I was studying an overlay of the A/D Line on the Daily, or rather, as near to it as I could in esignal, and I didn't find a divergence sparking this recent downtrend. Which immediately led me to believe there's market maker fraud in that index, too, it seems.

I was reading a guy's blog the other day and he was on about how this company in California operates a supercomputer that breaks down bushel orders of more than 1 million contracts and distrubites the orders in lots of 100 over a period of a few days, without compromising the initial entry fill. That's wild.

The same guy said that he quit the retail trading business because of the shady practices of specialists and market makers and the enterprises associated with them, and he's been trading ever since based on accumulative averages from historical data from the COT report.

Now that's smart.

He said jokingly that once it's comprimised he's joining the New World Order military for a steady job. lol

Seriously, consider the COT.
