
If anyone hears of a good deal please let me know. I'm looking for a basic low cost model. The kind that I won't care too much about it if the kids get at it. Not to trade from. Just one to surf, emails etc...nothing fancy.

I'm hoping to be a buyer below value in the laptop market. I'll wish everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving a Happy one in case I forget next week.

I've been following the Black Friday deals but those are fairly hard to get and I really don't want to get in line a 5 a.m. on Black Friday/ Perhaps an online deal would work.


I get the impression that everyone's expecting big deals this coming Black Friday but with Circuit City closing down and the others struggling I'm not sure if that's going to be the case. Likewise, I can't bring myself to stand in line from 5am.
you can look here for a sneak peak