17 & 18 Mar, YMM, (3, -1), Stretch strategy achieved

YMM1 basis (3, -1) formula and -1 = fade the 1st move:
3/17: (Stretch = 35 = X, 2.618%X = 91, ...
11578-91 = 11487 (low=11451) and reversed ....
11451 + 91 +91 +91 = 11744 (high: 11737).
That's the (3, -1) for 17 March 2011.

3/18: (Stretch = 48 = X) open=11711,
11711 - 55 = 11656 = low.
Strategy: (3, -1) basis Stretch = 48
11711 - 48 = 11663.
11663 + 48 + 48 + 48 = 11807 (11711+48+48+48 = 11855
High = 11865 ...as of 11:15PDT).
17 March and 18 March, two consecutive days that achieved the (3, -1) price measurement strategy.