YMM1, profitable formula, (3, -1) basis Stretch

7 April, Basis trading YMM1 from unchanged, 12357 with applications of the Stretch calcualtion to the price rotations of the (3, -1) formula (with a special note: The 6 April last hour decline from 12387, continued into the A session open as follow through lower, 12387-42 to 12335 and reversed back to the 6 April settlement, 12357, which is where this profitable strategy has once again been posted here at this trading forum.).

7 April, YMM1: Strategy (again profitable) applied the (3, -1) formula basis Stretch = 18 = X, 1.618%X=29 and trading from unchanged: 12357; and printing the high: 12388; the low: 12273 and settling at 12350.

7 April (3, -1) formula:
12357+31 to the high = 12388, that's -1 of (3, -1),
12388 -31-31-31 = 12295. Low=12273. This is the 3 of (3, -1).

7 April open: 12360, high: 12388, low:12273, settle: 12350.

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