YMM1, (3, -1), 4.25% Stretch range reversal

YMM1 price rotations bais 4.25% of the Stretch calculation (37 x 4.25% = 157)... 20 May YMM1 reversed at 137 point range. 23 May YMM1 reversed at the current (B sesson open) low 12311 (2 points above the projected 4.25% of the Stretch projection...12309).
Basis trading from unchanged (always trading from unchanged) ..., 12466 - 157 = 12309. The 23 May initial volatility rotated around the Fibonacci of the Stretch calculations.

Previous settlement, 12466
12466 - (4.25% of the Stretch) = 12309. (12311 = low 23 May 2011)
12466 - (157) = 12309
Low: 12311 + (2.618% of the Stretch) = 12408. The snapback reaction from the low, 12311 to 12398 = 87 points (2.618% of the Stretch = 97)

The 23 May settlement was 36 points (37 points = Stretch calculation) below the snapback reaction up from the low, 12311.

The initial reaction after the fourth minute low print (12397 held as the low for several hours) failed to make a new high, 12455. The snapback reaction fell short at 12453; and 1.618% of the Stretch projected 12456, one tick above the high.