VOLD - NYSE Volume Difference

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Definition of 'VOLD - NYSE Volume Difference'

The VOLD (also $VOLD) is the difference between the up volume and down volume on the NYSE. i.e. NYSE $UVOL minus $DVOL; the net up volume.

If you consider that VOLD is the net value between UVOL (up volume) and DVOL (down volume) then you need to understand these two to understand VOLD.

UVOL or DVOL are a total of the volume on all stocks that are up or down in price. Up or down is based on the previous session's closing price. The size of the stock's price change is irrelevant. If the stock is up only $.01, then its volume is grouped into the UVOL total. If that stock's price then drops by $.02 it will be down $.01 and the day's volume for that stock will now be grouped with the DVOL total.

Note that when a stock moves from being an up stock to a down stock its volume will be removed from the UVOL total and added to the DVOL total. Say the stocks volume is 1 million shares when it moves from up to down. The DVOL will increase by 1 million and the UVOL will decrease by 1 million which means that VOLD will decrease by 2 million.

Compare this to VOLDQ which is the net up volume on the NASDAQ ($UVOLQ - $DVOLQ).

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