
You have probably arrived at this page because this version of the indicator is no longer being provided as a product.

We have recently moved these indicators to a subscription based service and upgraded them to eSignal 7.9 and disabled the old indicators.

You can find more details here

We apologize if this has cause any inconvenience to you. We made every effort to contact all the users of the DeltaT/T1 and related indicators but we found that a lot of emails were rejected by spam filters and some email addresses were out-of-date.

When we receive your new subscription we will enable you as quickly as possible. This is often done in just minutes of receiving the subscription details. You can email ahead with your eSignal username so that we can enable you while you are subscribing in order to expedite the process. If you have not upgraded to eSignal 7.9 then let us know to re-enable you for the old indicators once you have subscribed.

Thank you for your understanding.
The MyPivots Team