daily stroke sheet

just thought i'd post a spreadsheet traders can use to record/review trades. it's an XLS file so folks can jack with it, add, remove, re-arrange, whatever to it all they want.

take care -


Click link to access uploaded file:

Thanks omni. People are often asking for templates to record keeping spreadsheets so this should be useful. I hope to strip out my record keeping spreadsheet and put it up for everyone as well. Watch this space...
For those that are interested you can download my Record Keeping for Day Traders excel template and read more about it here. Thanks omni for starting this topic.
kind of a different type of document here ...
Click link to access uploaded file:

it's basically a tally sheet for MP and related setups on several popular trading instruments. as usual, add and whatever whatever as much as you like. just kind of lets you know what did or didn't work in a given session. also gives you an idea of trades you did or didn't take.

and a simplified stroke sheet:
Click link to access uploaded file:

easy as pie.

hope this helps.

take care
