Predicting Buyers - tool helps brokers, agents, de

I am conducting a research project of interest to brokers and dealers involving a method of precisely pinpointing who will buy from them. Those who are interested please see;
Note, this is not an advert. This is a free offering, my purpose is to collect feedback, opinions of the method.

Your blog is very difficult to read - not a great combination of font, font size and color. I'd rethink it if I were you.
Daytrader - its absolutely true. Your right and I know it.
It was quick and easy to put up. The biggest factor at present was time. I'm swamped and have little time at the moment to make a site with a slicker presentation. It will have to do for now, as long it gives the basic content. I do, however, very much appreciate your feedback, thanks for taking the time and making the effort. I will incorporate the changes you suggest as soon as I get a chance.

Best Regards

So have you written some software that uses personality profiles to pick out the most likely people that will buy a product or service? Sounds like the sort of software that an actuary would write in order to profile high/low risk people and goods/assets in order to determine an appropriate premium for insurance.

I've just been talking to someone who spent his life in the retail industry and was involved with data warehousing and how it is used to profile target groups. This sounds similar but a little more specialized and high end.
daytrader, thanks again for the thoughtful and interesting feedback.
Again, you are very astute. I hadn't thought of applying this to an actuary oriented market, insurance, etc.... but it makes sense.
Thanks for the heads up, this is worth investigating! Regarding the datawarehousing comparison, yes, true - much more specialized, high end. There is no dw company, product that can deliver what my method does. Am enjoying talking with you. You present yourself well.

Thanks daytrader

warm regards
Thanks for the kind words PlutoBoy. So is it software or a method that you have created?
Hello Daytrader.

It is both. Theory and functioning model. The software is not complete, nor available nor ready for public distribution. The method works however, and I am able to provide the type of information I mentioned. The current software, I designed, automates some of the calcs needed, the rest I derive manually.

I'd be happy to do a demonstration for you.

If you wish;

Position yourself in a comfortable setting at work or home, or where ever you wish. Close your eyes. Visualize a specific person, someone you know fairly well. Imagine their specific properties and characteristics.

See the imagery in your mind and feel the prescence of this person with your emotions. Now, open your eyes, and write their first name on a piece of paper, under the name, write the exact time ; hour and minute, under that write the date.

Now write a brief description of the sort of environment you are in.

I.e. ; ".... I'm at my favourite cafe, it is bright and sunny out and the light is coming through the windows, the tables have blue and white checkered table cloths, it smells like freshly baked bagels, my favourite piece of baroque can be heard in the back ground.

Now, post the following information;

1.) The time, date when you thought of this person
2.) The brief description of the environment you were in

Thats its, send no other information, not even the first name of the person.

I will send you back a specific characteristic profile of the person you thought of, that will match them to approximately 85% accuracy.

Now, note, in this demonstration we are doing a 'time backwards' profile of someone you already know, this same process however can be done, "time forward" with someone you have yet to meet.

Best regards

Okay I did your exercise. Here are the details:

Date & Time: 4/5/06 14:37
Environment: Quiet office with gentle hum of computers in background and the noise of wind in trees outside. Room lit with natural afternoon sunlight.
daytrader, thanks for the submission. I will process this and return the profile to you shortly.

Best regards

This one took a while, used some new routines in my method. Wanted to test these to seehow theywould work.

First, my appreciation to you for your participation in this 'experiment'. Your feedback is welcome. May I request
that you 'grade' the profile I include below? This is simple to do.
Below you will find a series of sentences, brief parapgraphs.
Under each of my descriptive entries, simply type; 'ACCURACY %'. i.e.
Where 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' = my descriptive statement in the profile;

'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' {Plutoboy}

By placing an accuracy percentile rate under each statement, this allows me to calibrate my method.

Each descriptive statement in the following profile is separated by TWO carriage returns, (paragraph marks)


Thoughts that are heavy, gloomy, grey, dark. Feelings of pessimism about life. The mind is inhibited. Sensitivity is greater than it should be and tending towards morbidity.

Tendency towards grand, euphoric imaginations. Demanding and expecting too much from a love relationship or love itself. Attraction that is powerful but short lasting. A potent fluidic energetic effluence.

Art that is strange. 'Love' that is odd. Oversensitivity. Love that is reveled in by only one person.

Stubborness, self willedness when relating to others. A strange argument, odd forced separating, escaping and making a quick get away.

Tense nerves, inner stress impulsively explodes. Mental and emotional suffering that seems to happen without warning, parting of ways, separating. Strong desire to liberate oneself from restriction.

In the positive state, a sense of good luck and success generally in life. A respectful, possibly religious or spiritual mindset. The mentality resonates to philosophy and broad expanses. Indication of leaderships and rising to the heights. There could be positions of note within institutions or organizations pertaining to politics, the church, science, philosophy. In the negative state, a sort of superficial 'sportiness', affinity to display of gaudiness, over extravagance. There is an openess to speculating on any risk, likely causing a diminishment of social position. Legal troubles, money problems are indicated. Religious tendencies tend towards a limited, dogmatic, life constraining state.

Strong imagination, bordering on some sort of paranormal activity. Often what is imagined turns out to be true, often shocking the self and others. If not regulated by a higher form of discipline, possible danger however of being overwhelmed by extra-normal influences, causing confusion, distortion, delusion, loss, danger. When in a negative state, tendency towards worry, heavy dark feelings, depression. Strong overall expression of kindness and general good will towards others. Potential for success in different aspects of life via chemicals, chemistry, health food and its preparation.

Positive state: Potential of writing and or literary skill. If a good academic background is present, this skill will be of a sophisticated and higher nature. A tendency towards honor, politeness, amiability. Potential for the mind to be creative, affinity to math and invention. An affinity for the paranormal areas of study. Experiences of travel tend to be fulfilling both for enjoyment and gain. Negative State: Close relatives, brothers, sisters are the source of unpleasant challenges. Experiences of travel bring problems and loss. Barely escapes difficulties with the law, religion, accidents.

Positive state: Disposition towards art, poetry, music, with a tendency towards a very spiritual union bringing great fulfillment. Negative state: Relationships of a secretive, odd by social norms, possibly illict nature enacted by the person, or the person is exposed to this by the partner. Weak and over emotional, overly sensitive nature. This causes the person to fall out of favor with people in the immediate circle.

A turning point in fate is experienced, wherein a balancing act must be performed in regards to decisions and their enactment. The perception of beauty is high. High regard and appreciation for art and life which reflects unity, harmony and beauty. Charm, creativity is present here along with strength for rapport. A strong affinity for beginning new projects but difficulty finishing, for as the original stimulation fades they become restless and bored, then a desire to search for something new to engage in. Possibility of a lack of strength of character or staying power, Likely a presence for big ideas and magnificent schemes, that rarely manifest. Very romantically inclined but changeable in affections. Romantic inclinations are fickle and fluctuate notably. A woman with these tendencies would rarely tend to be of a conventional domestic sort, but would likely pursue some sort of idealism. Regardless of gender, when in a positive phase there is a strong likelihood of social popularity, friends would be made without any difficulty. Strong drive towards financial gain, but tendency towards over spending, frivolity, lack of care, caution, prudence. Often the cause of their own problems.

Okay - here goes.

Thoughts that are heavy, gloomy, grey, dark. Feelings of pessimism about life. The mind is inhibited. Sensitivity is greater than it should be and tending towards morbidity.


Tendency towards grand, euphoric imaginations. Demanding and expecting too much from a love relationship or love itself. Attraction that is powerful but short lasting. A potent fluidic energetic effluence.


Art that is strange. 'Love' that is odd. Oversensitivity. Love that is reveled in by only one person.


Stubborness, self willedness when relating to others. A strange argument, odd forced separating, escaping and making a quick get away.


Tense nerves, inner stress impulsively explodes. Mental and emotional suffering that seems to happen without warning, parting of ways, separating. Strong desire to liberate oneself from restriction.


In the positive state, a sense of good luck and success generally in life. A respectful, possibly religious or spiritual mindset. The mentality resonates to philosophy and broad expanses. Indication of leaderships and rising to the heights. There could be positions of note within institutions or organizations pertaining to politics, the church, science, philosophy. In the negative state, a sort of superficial 'sportiness', affinity to display of gaudiness, over extravagance. There is an openess to speculating on any risk, likely causing a diminishment of social position. Legal troubles, money problems are indicated. Religious tendencies tend towards a limited, dogmatic, life constraining state.


Strong imagination, bordering on some sort of paranormal activity. Often what is imagined turns out to be true, often shocking the self and others. If not regulated by a higher form of discipline, possible danger however of being overwhelmed by extra-normal influences, causing confusion, distortion, delusion, loss, danger. When in a negative state, tendency towards worry, heavy dark feelings, depression. Strong overall expression of kindness and general good will towards others. Potential for success in different aspects of life via chemicals, chemistry, health food and its preparation.


Positive state: Potential of writing and or literary skill. If a good academic background is present, this skill will be of a sophisticated and higher nature. A tendency towards honor, politeness, amiability. Potential for the mind to be creative, affinity to math and invention. An affinity for the paranormal areas of study. Experiences of travel tend to be fulfilling both for enjoyment and gain. Negative State: Close relatives, brothers, sisters are the source of unpleasant challenges. Experiences of travel bring problems and loss. Barely escapes difficulties with the law, religion, accidents.


Positive state: Disposition towards art, poetry, music, with a tendency towards a very spiritual union bringing great fulfillment. Negative state: Relationships of a secretive, odd by social norms, possibly illict nature enacted by the person, or the person is exposed to this by the partner. Weak and over emotional, overly sensitive nature. This causes the person to fall out of favor with people in the immediate circle.


A turning point in fate is experienced, wherein a balancing act must be performed in regards to decisions and their enactment. The perception of beauty is high. High regard and appreciation for art and life which reflects unity, harmony and beauty. Charm, creativity is present here along with strength for rapport. A strong affinity for beginning new projects but difficulty finishing, for as the original stimulation fades they become restless and bored, then a desire to search for something new to engage in. Possibility of a lack of strength of character or staying power, Likely a presence for big ideas and magnificent schemes, that rarely manifest. Very romantically inclined but changeable in affections. Romantic inclinations are fickle and fluctuate notably. A woman with these tendencies would rarely tend to be of a conventional domestic sort, but would likely pursue some sort of idealism. Regardless of gender, when in a positive phase there is a strong likelihood of social popularity, friends would be made without any difficulty. Strong drive towards financial gain, but tendency towards over spending, frivolity, lack of care, caution, prudence. Often the cause of their own problems.

Additionally, if we distill section "B" now to an even briefer snapshot, we get the summary of;

Perseverant, person with some form of religous type of overtones, many unfortunate events, but happiness sprinkled throughout, righteous, self control, friendly
