Jack Dreyfus

Jack Dreyfus is founder of the Dreyfus Funds.
I was playing golf with my friend Jerry Ohrbach, and I got a seven on the first hole, an easy par five. So I asked Jerry what odds he'd give against my getting a 33 on that nine, and he said 1,0000 to one. I said I'll take $100 worth of that. So it was a bet. Of course his father owned Ohrbach Department store, which was a very big store. Well, I played pretty well and coming to the last hole, which was a par three, I needed a two to win the bet. But I didn't make it. But Jerry said the golf bet had scared him so much he wanted to be partners with me. Subsequently he became a partner of mine in the New York Stock Exchange.
Jack Dreyfus' autobiography is called The Lion of Wall Street: The Two Lives of Jack Dreyfus

Other books written by Jack Dreyfus that deal mostly with the epilespy medicine that cured him of his depression are:

The Story of a Remarkable Medicine

Written in Frustration

A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked