Historical "New" Daily Notes Page-QUESTION

First of all...GREAT site and very helpful!...thanks!! QUESTION: In the older version, you had a link to access historical daily note pages for back dates...I cannot find in the new version a link or anything to direct me to historical daily notes for your newer version...I need the daily note pages for the Emini SP 500 futures for from Monday March 5-Monday March 12...I already have 3/13 and today's, 3/14...can you help with me getting for just these dates...since the change to the newer daily notes...thanks again for the GREAT site!!!
The historical view is not available right now but it should be coming online in a few weeks time. Even though it will only be available in a few weeks time you will still be able to look back to any date in the past - i.e. it won't be missing the dates prior to it coming online. Thanks for the compliments - I'll pass them on.
The historical pages are now online and being tested here: Daily Notes Archives
awesome and thanks...very great and helpful...thanks again...IncreaseNow!
the historical page is GREAT!...where is the "easy" link for everyone to access it?...I cannot find it except where you linked it above on this forum...thanks for lettig us know...great page!...IN
The main Daily Notes page has a link at the bottom of the list of symbols. I believe that when the menus are finished it will be in there as well.