Good Reads

I'm including a list of books I have either recently finished or am in the middle of reading:

Schulz and Peanuts

Talent Is Overrated

Tipping Point


Fooled By Randomness

The Black Swan

Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect

The Inner Game of Tennis

Unleash the Warrior Within

as time permits, I will give a brief summary of each book's value to me and, of course, how I related it to trading (since none are written specifically about trading).

Thanks omni. I've read Fooled By Randomness and Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect. The first is a great read; I've read it twice. If you're a golfer and a trader then you have to buy the second book otherwise if you're not a golfer you'll still enjoy it and get some great trading advice out of it.

I have The Black Swan sitting unread on my desk and hope to read it soon.
i listed Talent Is Overrated and this has been one of my favorite reads. this book is inspiring. and not in a feathery, fluffy cloud way either. it actually reminds me of the scene from 'Billy Madison' when Billy is listening to Miss Lippy read the story about Happy the dog. here is Billy's quote about the book:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ms. Lippy! The part in the story I don't like is that the little boy gave up looking for Happy after an hour. He didn't put posters up or anything, he just sat on the porch like a goon and waited. That little boy's gotta think: 'You got a pet. You got a responsibility.' If your dog is lost, you don't look for an hour then call it quits; you get your ass out there and you find that [freakin'] dog!
that's how i felt after reading Talent Is Overrated.

there is a quote somewhere (that i can't currently find but will post when i find it) that essentially makes the statement that books (or anything written) that inspire action are pretty special. For me, Talent is one of those books.
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