Private Forums

Use this forum to discuss other private forums.

To request a new forum place a topic here or email one of the moderators. If your request is accepted, you will be set-up as a moderator of your own private forum.

If you have a private forum and wish to invite others to join it then you can put your invitation in this forum.

Use a private forum if you have one or more colleagues that you wish to discuss topics with that you don't want to be visible to the general public.

Private Forums have a lot of flexibility. Here are the features available for making your forum private:

All Visitors: This allows all members (including unregistered members) to access the forum. This is selected by default.

Members Only: This allows only registered members to access the forum. Unregistered members are not allowed access.

Members Only (Hidden): This allows only registered members to access the forum. The forum will be hidden to unregistered members and they are not allowed access.

Password Protected: This allows you to set a password on the forum. All members (including unregistered members) will be asked for a password before giving them access. Once they supply the correct password, they won't be asked for the password again.

Members Only & Password Protected: This allows all registered members to access the forum OR if they are not a registered member, they will be asked for the password. Once they enter the correct password, they won't be asked for the password again.

Allowed Member List & Password Protected: This allows the members that you select from the Available Members List, to access the forum OR if they are not in the Selected Members List, they will be asked for the password that you set. Once they enter the correct password, they won't be asked for the password again.

Allowed Member List: This allows only the members that you select from the Available Members List, to access the forum. All other members (including unregistered members) are not granted access.

Allowed Member List (Hidden): This allows only the members that you select from the Available Members List, to access the forum. The forum is hidden from all other members (including unregistered members) who are not on the Selected Members List.