MP Spoos & Bonds (as Usual)

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S&P on re-working things had an incomplete neutral week last week which targeted 1286.5 achieved today. 1286 now IS KEY.

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Binds like S&P also had an incomplet Neutral week target 114.22 . This is now KEY and why as I said on the chart that maybe something new (or maybe not) astarted at 114.25. want to monitor development.  Old possible targets 115.11. If it goes there tomorrow it goes without me but if it falls back
On the SP chart you're looking at the Value Area from 2 weeks ago and see a possibility of us returning to this area this week right? So 1272 is the VAL from 2 weeks ago which is the major support area and hence the make or break zone for the current down move we may be seeing...?