Let's create a trader survey

Hello everyone, my name is Matt and I am a trader like you!

I care about trading and I want it to be a sustainable source of income, not just for me but for everyone who wants to trade. However, the web is full of anecdotal evidence saying "most day traders lose money" and I have not found a comprehensive and updated source of what might be the reasons.

My goal is to create an overview of the state of trading, understand the challenges the community is facing and work on solutions. But we need a starting point and to know what to fix, we first need to understand how the community is doing and what are the common mistakes we make.

Would you want to know how you're doing with respect to your peers, in a Stack Overflow Developer Survey style, completely anonymous, optional and with all the aggregated stats ready for comparisons?

If you think this is a good initiative, you can help! Please suggest:
  • Other communities where to propagate this initiative
  • Any existing surveys and sources covering the topic
  • Ideas on what you'd like to know from the survey

Any other feedback is welcome and encouraged!