Annual General Meeting (AGM)

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Definition of 'Annual General Meeting (AGM)'

An annual general meeting (AGM) is a meeting of all the shareholders of a company. It is held once a year to discuss the company's performance over the past year and to vote on important decisions, such as the election of directors and the approval of financial statements.

The AGM is an important opportunity for shareholders to get involved in the company and to have their say on how it is run. Shareholders can ask questions of the directors and vote on resolutions that are put forward by the board of directors.

The AGM is also a time for the company to communicate with its shareholders and to provide them with an update on its financial performance and its plans for the future.

The AGM is usually held at the company's headquarters or at a location that is convenient for shareholders to attend. The meeting is usually chaired by the chairman of the board of directors.

The AGM is open to all shareholders, regardless of how many shares they own. However, shareholders who own more shares have more voting power.

The AGM is an important part of corporate governance. It provides a forum for shareholders to hold the board of directors accountable and to ensure that the company is being run in their best interests.

Here are some of the key things that happen at an AGM:

* The chairman of the board of directors opens the meeting and welcomes the shareholders.
* The chairman reads the minutes of the previous AGM and asks for any corrections.
* The chairman presents a report on the company's performance over the past year.
* The chairman presents the financial statements for the past year.
* The auditors present their report on the financial statements.
* The board of directors recommends the payment of a dividend to shareholders.
* The shareholders vote on resolutions that are put forward by the board of directors.
* The chairman closes the meeting.

The AGM is an important event for shareholders and for the company as a whole. It is a time for shareholders to get involved in the company and to have their say on how it is run.

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