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Definition of 'Anomaly'

An anomaly is a deviation from the norm. In finance, an anomaly is a price movement that does not seem to be justified by fundamental factors. Anomalies can be caused by a variety of factors, such as investor psychology, market microstructure, or regulatory changes.

There are a number of different types of anomalies. Some of the most common include:

* **Momentum anomalies:** These are price movements that persist for a period of time even after the underlying fundamentals have changed. For example, a stock that has been performing well may continue to rise even after its earnings have started to decline.
* **Value anomalies:** These are price movements that are inconsistent with the concept of value investing. For example, a stock with a low price-to-earnings ratio may continue to underperform a stock with a high price-to-earnings ratio.
* **Size anomalies:** These are price movements that are inconsistent with the concept of market efficiency. For example, small-cap stocks may outperform large-cap stocks over time.

Anomalies can be difficult to exploit for a number of reasons. First, they are often difficult to identify. Second, they can be difficult to trade profitably. Third, they can be time-consuming to research.

Despite these challenges, some investors have been able to successfully exploit anomalies. However, it is important to remember that anomalies are not guaranteed to persist. In fact, they can disappear at any time.

As a result, investors should be cautious when trading based on anomalies. They should only trade anomalies that they understand and that they are confident they can exploit profitably.

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