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Definition of 'Appropriation'

An appropriation is a sum of money set aside by a government body for a specific purpose. Appropriations are made by legislatures and are typically used to fund government programs and activities. The appropriations process begins with the executive branch submitting a budget proposal to the legislature. The legislature then reviews the budget proposal and makes changes, if necessary. Once the legislature has approved the budget, it is signed into law by the executive branch.

The appropriations process is important because it ensures that government spending is transparent and accountable. Appropriations provide a way for the public to see how their tax dollars are being spent. They also help to ensure that government programs are funded in a way that is consistent with the government's priorities.

There are two types of appropriations: discretionary and mandatory. Discretionary appropriations are those that are subject to the annual appropriations process. Mandatory appropriations are those that are required by law to be funded at a certain level.

The appropriations process can be complex and time-consuming. However, it is an important part of the government's fiscal system. Appropriations ensure that government spending is transparent and accountable, and they help to ensure that government programs are funded in a way that is consistent with the government's priorities.

In addition to the appropriations process, there are a number of other ways that governments can fund their programs and activities. These include borrowing money, using tax revenue, and using fees and charges. The government's choice of funding method will depend on a number of factors, including the availability of funds, the need for flexibility, and the political climate.

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