Bank Run

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Definition of 'Bank Run'

A bank run occurs when a large number of depositors withdraw their money from a bank, simultaneously. This can happen because of a loss of confidence in the bank, or because of a rumor that the bank is in trouble.

A bank run can be caused by a number of factors, including:

* **Economic uncertainty:** If people are worried about the economy, they may withdraw their money from banks in order to protect their savings.
* **Rumors:** If there are rumors that a bank is in trouble, people may withdraw their money in order to avoid losing it.
* **Bank failure:** If a bank fails, depositors may lose all of their money. This can lead to a bank run, as people try to withdraw their money before the bank closes.

A bank run can have a number of negative consequences, including:

* **Depositors may lose their money:** If a bank fails, depositors may lose all of their money.
* **The bank may be forced to close:** If a bank experiences a bank run, it may not have enough money to meet the demands of its depositors. This can force the bank to close.
* **The economy may be harmed:** A bank run can lead to a loss of confidence in the banking system. This can make it difficult for businesses to borrow money, which can slow down the economy.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent bank runs, including:

* **Government regulation:** Governments can regulate banks in order to make them more stable. This can include requiring banks to hold more capital, and to have a plan in place to deal with a bank run.
* **Public education:** Governments and banks can educate the public about the importance of the banking system. This can help to reduce the likelihood of bank runs.
* **Media awareness:** The media can play a role in preventing bank runs by reporting accurate information about the banking system. This can help to reduce the spread of rumors.

Bank runs are a serious threat to the banking system. However, there are a number of things that can be done to prevent them.

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