Basket Trade

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Definition of 'Basket Trade'

A basket trade is a financial transaction in which a trader buys or sells a group of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities, as a single unit. Basket trades are often used to hedge risk or to speculate on the future value of a particular asset class.

There are two main types of basket trades:

* **Index-based basket trades:** These trades are based on the performance of a particular index, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The trader buys or sells a basket of stocks that are included in the index, and the profit or loss on the trade is based on the performance of the index.
* **Custom basket trades:** These trades are based on a custom basket of assets that the trader selects. The trader can choose any assets they want, and the weights of the assets in the basket can be adjusted to reflect the trader's desired risk profile.

Basket trades can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, a trader may use a basket trade to hedge against the risk of a particular stock or sector. For example, a trader who is concerned about the potential for a decline in the price of oil may buy a basket of oil stocks. If the price of oil declines, the value of the basket of stocks will also decline, but the decline will be offset by the gains on the other assets in the basket.

Basket trades can also be used to speculate on the future value of a particular asset class. For example, a trader who believes that the price of oil is going to rise may buy a basket of oil stocks. If the price of oil does rise, the value of the basket of stocks will also rise, and the trader will make a profit.

Basket trades can be a complex and risky investment, and it is important to understand the risks before entering into a trade. However, basket trades can also be a way to manage risk or to speculate on the future value of an asset class.

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