Who Was Benjamin Graham?

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Definition of 'Who Was Benjamin Graham?'

Benjamin Graham (May 8, 1894 – September 21, 1976) was an American economist and professional investor. Graham is considered the father of value investing, an investment approach that seeks to find undervalued securities that are trading at a price below their intrinsic value. Graham also developed the concept of margin of safety, which is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price.

Graham was born in London, England, to Jewish parents. He attended the City of London School and the University of London, where he studied economics. After graduating, Graham worked as a stockbroker in London before moving to the United States in 1914.

In the United States, Graham worked as a stockbroker and investment advisor. He also taught at Columbia University, where he met David Dodd. Dodd and Graham co-authored the book Security Analysis, which is considered to be one of the most important books on value investing.

In 1949, Graham founded Graham-Newman Corp., an investment firm that he ran until his retirement in 1956. Graham's investment philosophy was based on the idea that the stock market is inefficient and that it is possible to find undervalued stocks by doing fundamental analysis. Graham also believed that investors should be patient and should not try to time the market.

Graham's investment philosophy has been adopted by many successful investors, including Warren Buffett. Buffett has said that Graham was his "greatest teacher."

Graham died in 1976 at the age of 82. He is considered one of the most influential investors of all time.

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