Bespoke CDO

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Definition of 'Bespoke CDO'

A bespoke CDO is a type of collateralized debt obligation (CDO) that is tailored to the specific needs of an investor. Bespoke CDOs are often used by institutional investors who want to invest in a specific asset class or sector.

The process of creating a bespoke CDO begins with the investor identifying the assets that they want to include in the CDO. The assets can be anything from bonds to loans to real estate. Once the assets have been selected, the investor works with a CDO manager to create a structure for the CDO. The structure of the CDO will determine how the assets are paid off and how the risk is distributed among the investors.

Bespoke CDOs can be structured in a variety of ways. One common structure is the senior/subordinated structure. In this structure, the senior tranches are paid off first, followed by the subordinated tranches. The senior tranches are considered to be less risky than the subordinated tranches, and therefore they receive a lower interest rate.

Another common structure is the tranched structure. In this structure, the assets are divided into different tranches, based on their risk level. The higher-risk tranches receive a higher interest rate than the lower-risk tranches.

Once the structure of the CDO has been created, the CDO manager will market the CDO to investors. The CDO manager will typically sell the senior tranches to institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies. The subordinated tranches are often sold to retail investors.

Bespoke CDOs can be a good investment for investors who want to gain exposure to a specific asset class or sector. However, bespoke CDOs can also be risky investments. Investors should carefully review the structure of the CDO before investing.

Here are some of the advantages of investing in a bespoke CDO:

* Bespoke CDOs can be tailored to the specific needs of an investor.
* Bespoke CDOs can provide access to illiquid assets.
* Bespoke CDOs can offer higher yields than other investments.

Here are some of the disadvantages of investing in a bespoke CDO:

* Bespoke CDOs can be complex and difficult to understand.
* Bespoke CDOs can be risky investments.
* Bespoke CDOs can be illiquid, which means that they can be difficult to sell.

Overall, bespoke CDOs can be a good investment for investors who understand the risks and who are willing to do the research to find a CDO that meets their needs.

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