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Definition of 'Beta'

Beta is a measure of the volatility of a security or portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. Beta is calculated by measuring the covariance of a security's returns with the returns of the market index. A beta of 1.0 indicates that the security's returns are perfectly correlated with the market index. A beta of less than 1.0 indicates that the security is less volatile than the market index, while a beta of greater than 1.0 indicates that the security is more volatile than the market index.

Beta is a useful tool for investors to compare the risk of different securities. Securities with a high beta are considered to be more risky than securities with a low beta. Investors who are looking for a high return on investment may be willing to accept the higher risk associated with a security with a high beta. Investors who are looking for a lower risk investment may prefer to invest in a security with a low beta.

Beta is also used in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), which is a model used to estimate the expected return of an investment. The CAPM states that the expected return of an investment is equal to the risk-free rate of return plus a risk premium that is proportional to the security's beta. The risk premium is the additional return that an investor requires to compensate for the risk of investing in the security.

Beta is a valuable tool for investors, but it is important to remember that it is only one factor to consider when making investment decisions. Other factors, such as the security's price, dividend yield, and financial strength, should also be considered before making an investment decision.

In addition to the traditional definition of beta, there are also several other types of beta that can be used to measure the risk of a security. These include:

* **Industry beta:** This is the beta of a security relative to the returns of its industry.
* **Sector beta:** This is the beta of a security relative to the returns of its sector.
* **Company beta:** This is the beta of a security relative to the returns of its company.

The type of beta that is most appropriate for a particular investment decision will depend on the specific circumstances of the investor.

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