Black Money

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Definition of 'Black Money'

Black money is money earned through illegal activities and not declared to the government. It is also known as unaccounted money, parallel economy, or underground economy. Black money is generated through various means, such as tax evasion, corruption, smuggling, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities. It is often used to finance terrorism, organized crime, and other illegal activities.

Black money is a serious problem for any country. It can lead to economic instability, corruption, and social unrest. It can also make it difficult for governments to provide essential services to their citizens.

There are a number of ways to combat black money. One way is to strengthen the tax system and make it more difficult for people to evade taxes. Another way is to crack down on corruption and other illegal activities. Governments can also promote transparency and accountability in the financial system.

Black money is a serious problem, but it can be overcome. By taking strong measures to combat black money, governments can help to create a more stable, prosperous, and just society.

Here are some additional details about black money:

* Black money is estimated to account for a significant portion of the global economy. In some countries, it may be as much as 20% of GDP.
* Black money can have a number of negative consequences for a country's economy. It can lead to inflation, lower tax revenue, and increased inequality.
* Black money can also be used to finance terrorism and other illegal activities.
* There are a number of challenges to combating black money. One challenge is that it is often difficult to track and trace. Another challenge is that there is a strong incentive for people to engage in illegal activities in order to make money.
* Despite the challenges, there are a number of things that governments can do to combat black money. These include strengthening the tax system, cracking down on corruption, and promoting transparency and accountability in the financial system.

Black money is a serious problem, but it can be overcome. By taking strong measures to combat black money, governments can help to create a more stable, prosperous, and just society.

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