Block Trade

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Definition of 'Block Trade'

A block trade is a large transaction that is executed over-the-counter (OTC) and not on an exchange. The term "block" refers to the size of the trade, which is typically in excess of 10,000 shares. Block trades are often used by institutional investors to buy or sell large blocks of stock without moving the market price.

There are a few reasons why investors might choose to use block trades. First, block trades can be executed more quickly and efficiently than trading on an exchange. This is because there is no need to wait for other investors to place their orders. Second, block trades can be executed at a better price than trading on an exchange. This is because the buyer and seller can negotiate the price directly. Third, block trades can be used to avoid market impact. Market impact occurs when a large order is placed on an exchange and it causes the price of the stock to move. By executing a block trade OTC, the buyer and seller can avoid this impact.

There are a few risks associated with block trades. First, there is the risk that the buyer or seller will not be able to find a counterparty to trade with. Second, there is the risk that the price of the stock will move significantly between the time the trade is agreed upon and the time it is executed. Third, there is the risk that the trade will be disclosed to the public, which could lead to the stock price moving.

Despite the risks, block trades can be a valuable tool for investors who need to buy or sell large blocks of stock. By understanding the risks and benefits of block trades, investors can make informed decisions about whether or not to use this trading method.

Here are some additional details about block trades:

* Block trades are typically executed by investment banks or other large financial institutions.
* The price of a block trade is typically negotiated between the buyer and seller.
* Block trades can be executed on any type of security, including stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
* Block trades can be used for a variety of purposes, including mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, and hedging.

Block trades can be a complex and risky investment, so it is important to understand the risks before you decide to use this trading method.

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