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Definition of 'Bonus'

A bonus is a sum of money paid to an employee in addition to their regular salary. Bonuses are often paid as a reward for good performance, but they can also be given as a way to retain employees or to celebrate a special occasion.

There are many different types of bonuses, and the amount of money paid can vary depending on the company and the employee's performance. Some common types of bonuses include:

* **Annual bonuses:** These are bonuses that are paid once per year, typically at the end of the year. They are often based on the employee's performance over the entire year.
* **Quarterly bonuses:** These are bonuses that are paid once per quarter, typically at the end of each quarter. They are often based on the employee's performance over the previous quarter.
* **Spot bonuses:** These are bonuses that are paid at any time, typically as a reward for a specific achievement. They are often based on the employee's performance on a particular project or task.
* **Signing bonuses:** These are bonuses that are paid to an employee when they first start working for a company. They are often used to attract new employees to the company.
* **Retention bonuses:** These are bonuses that are paid to employees to keep them from leaving the company. They are often paid when an employee is offered a job at another company.

Bonuses can be a valuable tool for companies to reward employees and motivate them to perform well. However, it is important to note that bonuses are not guaranteed, and they should not be relied upon as a primary source of income.

In addition to the types of bonuses listed above, there are also a number of other factors that can affect the amount of money paid in bonuses. These factors include:

* **The company's financial situation:** Companies that are doing well financially are more likely to be able to afford to pay bonuses.
* **The employee's job title and level of experience:** Employees in higher-level positions and with more experience are more likely to receive larger bonuses.
* **The employee's performance:** The amount of money paid in bonuses is often based on the employee's performance over a certain period of time.

Bonuses can be a valuable tool for companies to reward employees and motivate them to perform well. However, it is important to note that bonuses are not guaranteed, and they should not be relied upon as a primary source of income.

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