Brain Drain

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Definition of 'Brain Drain'

Brain drain is the permanent or semi-permanent emigration of talented and qualified individuals from a particular region, country, or organization. The term is used in two distinct ways:

* It can refer to the emigration of high-skilled workers from developing countries to developed countries, a process that has been the subject of much debate.
* It can also refer to the loss of talented individuals from an organization or company, typically due to a lack of opportunity or poor working conditions.

In both cases, brain drain can have a significant negative impact on the economy of the region or country from which the individuals are emigrating. In the case of developing countries, brain drain can lead to a loss of human capital and a decline in economic growth. In the case of organizations, brain drain can lead to a loss of productivity and innovation.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to brain drain, including:

* Low wages and poor working conditions
* Lack of opportunity for advancement
* Political instability
* Social unrest
* Natural disasters

There are a number of things that can be done to address brain drain, including:

* Improving wages and working conditions
* Providing more opportunities for advancement
* Creating a more stable political environment
* Reducing social unrest
* Investing in infrastructure

By addressing the factors that contribute to brain drain, countries and organizations can help to retain their talented and qualified individuals. This can have a significant positive impact on economic growth and productivity.

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