Box Spread

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Definition of 'Box Spread'

A box spread is a strategy that can be used to generate income or reduce risk. It involves buying and selling four options contracts of the same underlying asset, with different strike prices and expiration dates.

The four options contracts are:

* A call option with a lower strike price
* A call option with a higher strike price
* A put option with a lower strike price
* A put option with a higher strike price

The goal of a box spread is to create a position that is delta neutral, meaning that the change in the value of the position is not affected by changes in the price of the underlying asset. This can be achieved by carefully selecting the strike prices and expiration dates of the options contracts.

To create a box spread, you would buy the call option with the lower strike price and sell the call option with the higher strike price. You would also buy the put option with the lower strike price and sell the put option with the higher strike price.

The net cost of a box spread is the difference between the premiums paid for the call options and the premiums received for the put options. This cost can be positive or negative, depending on the strike prices and expiration dates of the options contracts.

The profit or loss from a box spread is determined by the difference between the strike prices of the call options and the put options. If the price of the underlying asset is above the higher strike price, the call options will be exercised and the put options will expire worthless. This will result in a profit equal to the difference between the strike prices of the call options and the put options, minus the cost of the box spread.

If the price of the underlying asset is below the lower strike price, the put options will be exercised and the call options will expire worthless. This will result in a loss equal to the difference between the strike prices of the call options and the put options, plus the cost of the box spread.

If the price of the underlying asset is between the two strike prices, the options contracts will expire worthless and the box spread will expire worthless.

Box spreads can be used to generate income or reduce risk. However, they are not without risk. The main risk of a box spread is that the price of the underlying asset could move outside of the range of the strike prices, resulting in a loss.

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