Brand Equity

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Definition of 'Brand Equity'

Brand equity is the value of a brand to a company. It is based on the brand's awareness, loyalty, and perceived quality. Brand equity can be measured in a number of ways, including brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand preference.

Brand awareness is the extent to which consumers are aware of a brand. This can be measured by the number of people who can recall the brand name, the number of people who can identify the brand logo, and the number of people who have used the brand.

Brand loyalty is the extent to which consumers are loyal to a brand. This can be measured by the number of people who buy the brand repeatedly, the number of people who recommend the brand to others, and the number of people who are willing to pay a premium for the brand.

Brand preference is the extent to which consumers prefer one brand over another. This can be measured by the number of people who would choose one brand over another, the number of people who would switch brands if the price were the same, and the number of people who would switch brands if the quality were the same.

Brand equity is important because it can help a company to increase its sales and profits. A strong brand can help a company to attract new customers, retain existing customers, and charge a premium for its products or services.

There are a number of things that companies can do to build brand equity. These include:

* Creating a strong brand identity
* Developing a strong brand image
* Investing in marketing and advertising
* Providing high-quality products and services
* Building relationships with customers

Brand equity is a valuable asset for any company. It can help a company to achieve its business goals and objectives.

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