90/10 Strategy

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Definition of '90/10 Strategy'

The 90/10 strategy is an investment strategy that involves investing 90% of your money in safe investments, such as bonds or cash, and 10% in riskier investments, such as stocks. This strategy is designed to help you balance risk and reward. By investing most of your money in safe investments, you can protect your principal and ensure that you have a steady stream of income. However, by investing a small portion of your money in riskier investments, you can potentially earn higher returns.

The 90/10 strategy is a good option for investors who are looking for a balance between risk and reward. It is also a good option for investors who are new to investing and who do not have a lot of experience.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using the 90/10 strategy. First, you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the level of risk involved. If you are not comfortable with the risk of losing some of your money, then this strategy may not be right for you. Second, you need to make sure that you have a long-term investment horizon. The 90/10 strategy is designed for investors who are willing to hold their investments for a long period of time. If you are planning to withdraw your money in the near future, then this strategy may not be right for you.

Overall, the 90/10 strategy is a good option for investors who are looking for a balance between risk and reward. It is a simple and easy-to-follow strategy that can help you achieve your financial goals.

Here are some additional tips for using the 90/10 strategy:

* Choose your investments carefully. When you are investing 90% of your money in safe investments, it is important to choose investments that are low-risk and have a history of generating steady returns. Some good options include bonds, cash, and certificates of deposit.
* Rebalance your portfolio regularly. As the value of your investments changes, it is important to rebalance your portfolio so that you maintain the desired asset allocation. This will help you to keep your risk level in check and ensure that you are still on track to meet your financial goals.
* Be patient. The 90/10 strategy is a long-term investment strategy. It takes time for your investments to grow and compound. Do not be discouraged if you experience short-term losses. Just keep investing and rebalancing your portfolio, and you will eventually achieve your financial goals.

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