Bull Call Spread

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Definition of 'Bull Call Spread'

A bull call spread is a bullish options strategy that involves buying a call option with a lower strike price and selling a call option with a higher strike price. The difference between the two strike prices is called the spread.

The bull call spread is a relatively low-risk strategy, as it is only profitable if the underlying stock price rises above the higher strike price. However, the maximum profit potential is limited to the difference between the two strike prices, minus the cost of the options.

The bull call spread is often used by investors who are bullish on a stock but do not want to pay the full price for a call option. The spread can be used to reduce the cost of the trade and limit the risk of loss.

To create a bull call spread, an investor would buy a call option with a lower strike price and sell a call option with a higher strike price. The difference between the two strike prices is called the spread.

The bull call spread is a bullish strategy, as it is profitable if the underlying stock price rises above the higher strike price. However, the maximum profit potential is limited to the difference between the two strike prices, minus the cost of the options.

The bull call spread is often used by investors who are bullish on a stock but do not want to pay the full price for a call option. The spread can be used to reduce the cost of the trade and limit the risk of loss.

Here is an example of a bull call spread:

An investor believes that the stock price of XYZ Company is going to rise. The current stock price is $50, and the investor believes that the stock price will reach $60 in the next few months.

The investor could buy a call option with a strike price of $55 for $5. The investor could then sell a call option with a strike price of $60 for $3.

The total cost of the bull call spread would be $2 ($5 - $3).

If the stock price rises above $60, the investor will make a profit. The maximum profit potential is $8 ($60 - $55 - $2).

However, if the stock price falls below $55, the investor will lose money. The maximum loss potential is $5 ($55 - $5).

The bull call spread is a relatively low-risk strategy, as it is only profitable if the underlying stock price rises above the higher strike price. However, the maximum profit potential is limited to the difference between the two strike prices, minus the cost of the options.

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