C Corporation

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Definition of 'C Corporation'

A C corporation is a type of business entity that is taxed separately from its owners. This means that the corporation's profits and losses are not passed through to the shareholders on their personal tax returns. Instead, the corporation pays taxes on its own income, and the shareholders pay taxes on any dividends they receive from the corporation.

There are several advantages to forming a C corporation, including:

* Limited liability protection: The shareholders of a C corporation are not personally liable for the debts and liabilities of the corporation. This means that their personal assets are protected in the event that the corporation is sued or goes bankrupt.
* Ease of ownership transfer: Shares of stock in a C corporation can be easily transferred to new owners, which can be helpful for businesses that are planning to grow or go public.
* Ability to raise capital: C corporations can raise capital by issuing stock or debt securities. This can be helpful for businesses that need to finance expansion or other projects.

However, there are also some disadvantages to forming a C corporation, including:

* Double taxation: The profits of a C corporation are taxed twice, once at the corporate level and again at the shareholder level. This can make C corporations more expensive to operate than other types of business entities, such as S corporations or partnerships.
* Complex tax rules: C corporations are subject to more complex tax rules than other types of business entities. This can make it more difficult to comply with the tax laws and can increase the cost of tax preparation.

Overall, C corporations can be a good choice for businesses that generate a lot of profits and want to limit the personal liability of their owners. However, businesses should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of forming a C corporation before making a decision.

Here are some additional details about C corporations:

* C corporations are taxed at the federal level at a flat rate of 21%. However, they may also be subject to state and local taxes.
* C corporations must file annual tax returns with the IRS. The form that they use depends on their size and income.
* C corporations may be eligible to claim certain tax deductions and credits.
* C corporations may be required to withhold taxes on wages paid to employees.

If you are considering forming a C corporation, it is important to consult with a tax advisor to discuss the specific tax implications of your situation.

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