Capital Account

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Definition of 'Capital Account'

A capital account is a record of the owner's equity in a business. It includes the owner's contributions to the business, as well as any profits or losses that the business has generated. The capital account is also used to record any withdrawals that the owner makes from the business.

The capital account is an important part of the financial statements of a business. It provides information about the owner's equity in the business, and it can be used to track the changes in the owner's equity over time. The capital account can also be used to calculate the owner's share of the profits or losses that the business has generated.

There are two types of capital accounts: the capital stock account and the retained earnings account. The capital stock account represents the owner's initial investment in the business. The retained earnings account represents the profits that the business has generated over time, after all expenses have been paid.

The capital stock account is a permanent account, which means that it is never closed. The retained earnings account is a temporary account, which means that it is closed at the end of each accounting period. The closing entry for the retained earnings account transfers the balance of the account to the owner's capital account.

The capital account is an important part of the financial statements of a business. It provides information about the owner's equity in the business, and it can be used to track the changes in the owner's equity over time. The capital account can also be used to calculate the owner's share of the profits or losses that the business has generated.

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