Capital Gain

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Definition of 'Capital Gain'

A capital gain is the profit earned from the sale of an asset that has increased in value. The asset can be anything from stocks and bonds to real estate and collectibles. The amount of the capital gain is equal to the difference between the sale price and the purchase price.

Capital gains are taxed at different rates than ordinary income. For most taxpayers, long-term capital gains (held for more than one year) are taxed at a lower rate than short-term capital gains (held for less than one year).

There are a few exceptions to the general rule of taxing capital gains at different rates. For example, collectibles and certain types of real estate are taxed at a higher rate than other assets.

It is important to understand the tax implications of capital gains before you sell an asset. If you are unsure whether you will owe taxes on a capital gain, you should consult with a tax advisor.

Here are some additional details about capital gains:

* Capital gains are only taxed when the asset is sold. If you hold an asset for more than one year, you will have a long-term capital gain. If you hold an asset for less than one year, you will have a short-term capital gain.
* The amount of the capital gain is equal to the difference between the sale price and the purchase price. For example, if you buy a stock for $100 and sell it for $120, you will have a capital gain of $20.
* Capital gains are taxed at different rates than ordinary income. For most taxpayers, long-term capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than short-term capital gains.
* There are a few exceptions to the general rule of taxing capital gains at different rates. For example, collectibles and certain types of real estate are taxed at a higher rate than other assets.
* It is important to understand the tax implications of capital gains before you sell an asset. If you are unsure whether you will owe taxes on a capital gain, you should consult with a tax advisor.

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