Capital Markets

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Definition of 'Capital Markets'

The capital markets are a network of financial institutions and instruments that allow companies, governments, and other entities to raise capital by issuing securities. Securities are financial instruments that represent a claim on the issuer's assets or future cash flows. The capital markets provide a way for investors to allocate capital to businesses and projects that they believe have the potential to generate a return.

The capital markets are divided into two main segments: the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market is where new securities are issued. The secondary market is where existing securities are traded.

The primary market is where companies and governments raise capital by issuing new securities. The securities are sold to investors through an initial public offering (IPO) or a private placement. In an IPO, the securities are sold to the public through a stock exchange. In a private placement, the securities are sold to a select group of investors.

The secondary market is where existing securities are traded. The securities are traded on stock exchanges or over-the-counter (OTC) markets. On a stock exchange, buyers and sellers meet to trade securities in an open auction. On an OTC market, buyers and sellers trade securities through a network of dealers.

The capital markets play an important role in the economy. They provide a way for companies and governments to raise capital, and they provide a way for investors to allocate capital to businesses and projects that they believe have the potential to generate a return.

The capital markets are also a source of liquidity for investors. When investors want to sell their securities, they can do so easily on the secondary market. This liquidity helps to ensure that investors can get a fair price for their securities when they want to sell them.

The capital markets are a complex and dynamic system. They are constantly evolving in response to changes in the economy and the regulatory environment. As a result, it is important for investors to stay informed about the capital markets in order to make informed investment decisions.

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