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Definition of 'Carding'

Carding is a form of credit card fraud that involves using stolen credit card information to make purchases online or over the phone. The term "carding" is derived from the use of credit cards to make purchases. Carders typically use stolen credit card numbers to purchase high-priced items, such as electronics, gift cards, or even airline tickets. They then sell these items on the black market or use them themselves.

Carding is a serious crime, and it can have a number of negative consequences for victims. In addition to financial losses, victims of carding may also experience identity theft, fraud, and other crimes. If you believe that you have been the victim of carding, it is important to report the incident to the police and your credit card company.

There are a number of things that you can do to protect yourself from carding. First, be careful about where you share your credit card information. Only provide your credit card number to reputable businesses that you trust. Second, keep your credit card numbers safe. Do not write them down or store them in your wallet or purse. Third, monitor your credit card statements for suspicious activity. If you see any unauthorized charges, report them to your credit card company immediately.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a website dedicated to identity theft and fraud, which includes information about carding. The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) also has a website with tips on how to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud.

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