Circular Flow Of Income

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Definition of 'Circular Flow Of Income'

The circular flow of income is a model that shows how money flows through the economy. It is a simplified representation of the real economy, but it can help us understand how economic activity creates jobs and income.

The circular flow of income starts with businesses. Businesses produce goods and services, which they sell to consumers. In return, consumers pay businesses for the goods and services they buy. This money flows from consumers to businesses.

Businesses use the money they earn to pay their workers, buy supplies, and invest in new equipment. This money flows from businesses to workers, suppliers, and investors.

Workers use the money they earn to buy goods and services from businesses. This money flows from workers to businesses.

Suppliers use the money they earn to buy supplies from businesses. This money flows from suppliers to businesses.

Investors use the money they earn to invest in businesses. This money flows from investors to businesses.

The circular flow of income is a continuous process. Money flows from businesses to consumers, and then back to businesses. This process creates jobs and income for people in the economy.

The circular flow of income can be represented by a diagram. The diagram shows two main loops: the goods and services loop and the money loop.

The goods and services loop shows how goods and services flow from businesses to consumers. The money loop shows how money flows from consumers to businesses.

The circular flow of income is a useful model for understanding how the economy works. It can help us understand how economic activity creates jobs and income.

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