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Definition of 'Clawback'

A clawback is a provision in a contract that allows one party to recover money or other assets that were previously paid to the other party. This can happen if the other party breaches the contract or fails to meet certain performance goals.

Clawbacks are often used in executive compensation packages to ensure that executives are held accountable for their performance. For example, an executive might be required to return a portion of their bonus if the company's stock price falls below a certain level.

Clawbacks can also be used in other types of contracts, such as those between investors and startups. In these cases, the clawback provision may allow the investors to recover money if the startup fails to meet certain milestones.

Clawbacks are controversial because they can be seen as a way for one party to take advantage of the other party. However, they can also be seen as a way to protect the interests of both parties and to ensure that contracts are fulfilled.

Here are some additional details about clawbacks:

* They can be triggered by a variety of events, such as a breach of contract, a failure to meet performance goals, or a change in control of the company.
* The amount of money that can be clawed back is typically limited to a certain percentage of the original payment.
* Clawbacks can be difficult to enforce, especially if the other party is insolvent.
* In some cases, clawbacks can be challenged in court.

Overall, clawbacks are a complex and controversial topic. There is no easy answer to the question of whether or not they are fair. However, they are an important part of many contracts and can play a significant role in protecting the interests of both parties.

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