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Definition of 'CoInsurance'

Coinsurance is a type of cost-sharing arrangement in which the policyholder and the insurance company share the costs of a covered loss. The policyholder typically pays a fixed percentage of the loss, while the insurance company pays the remaining percentage.

Coinsurance is often used in health insurance plans, but it can also be used in other types of insurance policies, such as automobile insurance and homeowners insurance.

The coinsurance percentage is typically specified in the insurance policy. For example, a health insurance policy might have a coinsurance percentage of 20%. This means that the policyholder would pay 20% of the cost of a covered loss, while the insurance company would pay the remaining 80%.

Coinsurance can be a way for policyholders to save money on their insurance premiums. However, it is important to understand how coinsurance works before you purchase an insurance policy. If you are not sure whether coinsurance is right for you, you should talk to your insurance agent.

Here are some additional things to know about coinsurance:

* Coinsurance is not the same as a deductible. A deductible is a fixed amount that the policyholder must pay before the insurance company will begin to pay for a covered loss. Coinsurance, on the other hand, is a percentage of the loss that the policyholder must pay.
* Coinsurance can be applied to either the total cost of a covered loss or to the amount that exceeds the deductible. For example, a health insurance policy might have a coinsurance percentage of 20% that is applied to the total cost of a covered loss. This means that the policyholder would pay 20% of the cost of any covered loss, regardless of whether the loss exceeds the deductible. Alternatively, the policy might have a coinsurance percentage of 20% that is applied to the amount that exceeds the deductible. This means that the policyholder would pay 20% of the cost of any covered loss that exceeds the deductible.
* Coinsurance can be used to reduce the cost of an insurance policy. However, it is important to understand how coinsurance works before you purchase an insurance policy. If you are not sure whether coinsurance is right for you, you should talk to your insurance agent.

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