Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO)

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Definition of 'Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO)'

A collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) is a type of asset-backed security that is backed by a pool of mortgages. CMOs are often referred to as "tranches," and each tranche has a different level of risk and return. The most senior tranches are the least risky, and the most junior tranches are the most risky.

CMOs are created by a process called "tranching." In this process, the mortgages in the pool are sorted into different tranches based on their risk. The most senior tranches are made up of the mortgages with the lowest risk, and the most junior tranches are made up of the mortgages with the highest risk.

The tranches are then sold to investors. The investors in the most senior tranches receive the highest priority for repayment of principal and interest. The investors in the most junior tranches receive the lowest priority for repayment of principal and interest.

CMOs can be used to manage the risk of a mortgage portfolio. By creating tranches with different levels of risk, CMOs can help investors to match their risk tolerance with their investment objectives.

CMOs can also be used to provide liquidity to the mortgage market. By creating tranches with different maturities, CMOs can help to meet the needs of investors who are looking for different investment terms.

CMOs are a complex financial instrument, and there are a number of risks associated with investing in them. Investors should carefully consider the risks before investing in CMOs.

Here are some of the risks associated with investing in CMOs:

* Interest rate risk: The value of a CMO can be affected by changes in interest rates. If interest rates rise, the value of a CMO will fall.
* Prepayment risk: The mortgages in a CMO pool can be prepaid early. If mortgages are prepaid early, the cash flows from the CMO pool will be reduced, and the value of the CMO will fall.
* Credit risk: The mortgages in a CMO pool can default. If mortgages default, the cash flows from the CMO pool will be reduced, and the value of the CMO will fall.

CMOs can be a good investment for investors who are looking for a high yield. However, investors should carefully consider the risks before investing in CMOs.

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