Consumer Surplus

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Definition of 'Consumer Surplus'

Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay for a good or service and the actual price they pay. It is a measure of the economic benefit that consumers receive from a market transaction.

Consumer surplus can be calculated as the area below the demand curve and above the price line. The demand curve represents the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay for different quantities of a good or service. The price line represents the actual price that consumers pay. The area between the two curves represents the consumer surplus.

Consumer surplus is an important concept in economics because it measures the economic benefit that consumers receive from a market transaction. It can be used to evaluate the efficiency of a market and to identify policies that can improve economic welfare.

There are a number of factors that can affect consumer surplus. These include the price of the good or service, the income of consumers, and the availability of substitutes. When the price of a good or service decreases, consumer surplus increases. This is because consumers are able to purchase more of the good or service at a lower price. When the income of consumers increases, consumer surplus also increases. This is because consumers are able to afford to purchase more goods and services. When the availability of substitutes increases, consumer surplus decreases. This is because consumers have more options to choose from and are less likely to pay a high price for a good or service.

Consumer surplus is an important concept in economics because it measures the economic benefit that consumers receive from a market transaction. It can be used to evaluate the efficiency of a market and to identify policies that can improve economic welfare.

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