Consumption Function: Formula, Assumptions, and Implications

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Definition of 'Consumption Function: Formula, Assumptions, and Implications'

The consumption function is an economic model that describes how consumers' spending is influenced by their income. It is a key component of macroeconomics, and is used to understand how changes in income affect aggregate demand and economic growth.

The consumption function is typically expressed as a linear equation:

C = a + bY

where C is consumption, Y is income, and a and b are constants. The constant a represents the autonomous consumption, which is the amount of consumption that occurs even when income is zero. The coefficient b represents the marginal propensity to consume, which is the amount of additional consumption that occurs when income increases by one unit.

The consumption function is based on the assumption that consumers have a certain level of desired saving, and that they will adjust their consumption in order to achieve this desired level of saving. When income increases, consumers will increase their consumption, but they will also increase their saving. The marginal propensity to consume is the fraction of an increase in income that is spent on consumption. The marginal propensity to save is the fraction of an increase in income that is saved.

The consumption function has a number of implications for macroeconomics. First, it implies that aggregate demand is positively related to income. This is because when income increases, consumers will increase their spending, which will lead to an increase in aggregate demand. Second, the consumption function implies that the multiplier effect is greater than one. This is because when income increases, consumers will not only increase their consumption, but they will also increase their saving. This additional saving will lead to an increase in investment, which will further increase aggregate demand.

The consumption function is a key tool for understanding how the economy works. It is used to forecast economic growth, and to design fiscal and monetary policies.

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