Contingent Beneficiary

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Definition of 'Contingent Beneficiary'

A contingent beneficiary is a person who will receive the benefits of an insurance policy or other financial instrument only if the primary beneficiary dies before the insured person. The contingent beneficiary is typically a secondary or backup beneficiary, who is only named in the event that the primary beneficiary is unable to receive the benefits.

Contingent beneficiaries are often used in estate planning to ensure that assets are distributed according to the wishes of the insured person, even if the primary beneficiary dies before them. For example, a person may name their spouse as the primary beneficiary of their life insurance policy, but their children as contingent beneficiaries. If the spouse dies before the insured person, the children will receive the death benefit.

Contingent beneficiaries can also be used to provide for a person who is not otherwise financially dependent on the insured person. For example, a person may name their friend or charity as a contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policy. If the insured person dies before their friend or charity, the death benefit will be used to support them.

It is important to note that contingent beneficiaries do not have any rights to the assets of the insured person until the primary beneficiary dies. This means that the contingent beneficiary cannot make any claims on the assets of the insured person while they are still alive.

Contingent beneficiaries are a valuable tool for estate planning. They can help to ensure that assets are distributed according to the wishes of the insured person, even if the primary beneficiary dies before them.

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