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Definition of 'Cost-Push'

Cost-push inflation is a type of inflation that occurs when the cost of producing goods and services rises. This can happen due to a number of factors, such as increases in wages, raw material costs, or energy costs. When businesses pass on these higher costs to consumers in the form of higher prices, it can lead to inflation.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to cost-push inflation. One is an increase in the cost of labor. When wages rise, businesses must pass on these costs to consumers in the form of higher prices. Another factor is an increase in the cost of raw materials. For example, if the price of oil rises, this will increase the cost of producing goods that require oil, such as gasoline and plastics. Finally, an increase in the cost of energy can also lead to cost-push inflation. For example, if the price of electricity rises, this will increase the cost of producing goods that require electricity, such as computers and appliances.

Cost-push inflation can have a number of negative consequences. First, it can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of consumers. This means that consumers can buy less with their money, which can lead to a decline in economic growth. Second, cost-push inflation can lead to a decrease in investment. This is because businesses may be less likely to invest if they expect their costs to rise in the future. Third, cost-push inflation can lead to a decrease in employment. This is because businesses may be less likely to hire workers if they expect their costs to rise.

There are a number of policies that can be used to address cost-push inflation. One is to increase the supply of goods and services. This can be done by reducing government regulations, which can make it easier for businesses to start and grow. Another policy is to reduce the demand for goods and services. This can be done by raising interest rates, which makes it more expensive for consumers to borrow money. Finally, governments can also provide financial assistance to businesses that are struggling to cope with higher costs.

Cost-push inflation is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by understanding the causes of cost-push inflation and the policies that can be used to address it, governments can help to mitigate its negative effects.

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