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Definition of 'Creditor'

A creditor is a person or company that has lent money to another person or company and is therefore owed repayment. The creditor may be a bank, credit union, or other financial institution. The person or company that owes the money is known as the debtor.

Creditors are important to the financial system because they provide the funds that businesses and individuals need to invest in new projects, expand their operations, or simply cover their day-to-day expenses. In return for providing this money, creditors charge interest, which is a fee for the use of their funds.

The relationship between creditors and debtors is governed by a contract called a loan agreement. This agreement specifies the terms of the loan, such as the interest rate, the repayment period, and any other fees or charges that may be applicable.

Creditors have a number of rights under the loan agreement. These rights include the right to receive repayment of the loan principal and interest, the right to take possession of the collateral if the debtor defaults on the loan, and the right to sue the debtor if necessary.

Debtors also have a number of rights under the loan agreement. These rights include the right to use the borrowed funds for the purposes specified in the agreement, the right to make payments on the loan according to the agreed-upon schedule, and the right to seek legal recourse if the creditor breaches the agreement.

Creditors play an important role in the financial system by providing the funds that businesses and individuals need to invest in new projects, expand their operations, or simply cover their day-to-day expenses. In return for providing this money, creditors charge interest, which is a fee for the use of their funds.

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