Currency Carry Trade

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Definition of 'Currency Carry Trade'

A currency carry trade is a speculative investment strategy that involves borrowing money in a low-interest currency to invest in a higher-yielding currency. The difference in interest rates between the two currencies is the potential profit from the trade.

Currency carry trades are often used by hedge funds and other institutional investors, but they can also be used by individual investors. However, currency carry trades are considered to be high-risk investments, and they should only be undertaken by investors who understand the risks involved.

There are two main types of currency carry trades:

* **Long carry trades:** In a long carry trade, an investor borrows money in a low-interest currency, such as the Japanese yen, and invests it in a higher-yielding currency, such as the U.S. dollar. The investor profits from the difference in interest rates between the two currencies.
* **Short carry trades:** In a short carry trade, an investor sells a currency that is expected to depreciate in value and uses the proceeds to buy a currency that is expected to appreciate in value. The investor profits from the difference in the exchange rates between the two currencies.

Currency carry trades can be profitable if the interest rate differential between the two currencies is large enough to offset the costs of borrowing and the risk of currency fluctuations. However, currency carry trades can also be very risky, and investors can lose money if the exchange rates move against them.

Here are some of the risks associated with currency carry trades:

* **Exchange rate risk:** The value of a currency can fluctuate significantly, and this can lead to losses on a currency carry trade.
* **Interest rate risk:** If the interest rates in the two currencies change, this can also lead to losses on a currency carry trade.
* **Liquidity risk:** Currency carry trades can be illiquid, which means that it can be difficult to sell the currencies involved in the trade at a fair price.
* **Credit risk:** If the counterparty to the trade defaults, the investor could lose all of their money.

Currency carry trades are complex financial instruments, and they should only be undertaken by investors who understand the risks involved.

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