Currency Peg

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Definition of 'Currency Peg'

A currency peg is a formal or informal exchange rate regime between two currencies. A currency peg is usually established by a central bank. The central bank of the pegged currency will intervene in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate between the two currencies at a fixed rate.

There are two main types of currency pegs:

* Hard pegs: A hard peg is a currency peg that is backed by a reserve currency. The central bank of the pegged currency will hold reserves of the reserve currency equal to the value of the pegged currency in circulation. This ensures that the central bank can always intervene in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate at the fixed rate.
* Soft pegs: A soft peg is a currency peg that is not backed by a reserve currency. The central bank of the pegged currency may not hold enough reserves of the reserve currency to maintain the exchange rate at the fixed rate. This means that the central bank may not be able to intervene in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate at the fixed rate.

Currency pegs can be beneficial for a number of reasons. First, they can provide a sense of stability to the exchange rate, which can be helpful for businesses and investors. Second, they can make it easier for businesses to trade with other countries. Third, they can help to reduce inflation.

However, currency pegs can also have some disadvantages. First, they can make it difficult for a country to adjust to changes in the global economy. Second, they can make it difficult for a country to pursue an independent monetary policy. Third, they can be costly to maintain.

Overall, currency pegs can be a useful tool for a country's monetary policy. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of a currency peg before deciding whether to adopt one.

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