Debt Collector

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Definition of 'Debt Collector'

A debt collector is a person or company that collects debts on behalf of another person or company. Debt collectors are often hired by creditors to collect unpaid debts, such as credit card bills, medical bills, and personal loans.

Debt collectors typically contact debtors by phone, mail, or in person to demand payment. They may also use legal means to collect debts, such as filing a lawsuit or garnishing wages.

Debt collectors are regulated by federal and state laws. These laws set forth rules on how debt collectors can contact debtors, what they can say, and what they can do to collect debts.

Debt collectors are often seen as a nuisance by debtors. They may be aggressive and persistent in their attempts to collect debts. They may also use misleading or deceptive tactics to collect debts.

However, debt collectors play an important role in the credit system. They help to ensure that creditors are repaid for the debts that they are owed.

If you are being contacted by a debt collector, it is important to know your rights. You have the right to:

* Be informed of the debt collector's identity and the debt collector's company's name.
* Be informed of the amount of the debt and the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
* Request verification of the debt.
* Dispute the debt if you believe it is not valid.
* Stop contact from the debt collector if you are being harassed or threatened.

If you are having trouble repaying a debt, you may want to consider seeking help from a credit counselor. Credit counselors can help you develop a plan to repay your debts and can also negotiate with creditors on your behalf.

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