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Definition of 'Delisting'

Delisting is the process of removing a company's stock from a stock exchange. There are a number of reasons why a company might be delisted, including:

* **Financial problems:** If a company's financial condition deteriorates to the point where it is no longer in compliance with the exchange's listing requirements, it may be delisted. For example, a company may be delisted if it fails to file its financial statements on time or if its stock price falls below a certain level.
* **Mergers and acquisitions:** If a company is acquired by another company, its stock may be delisted from the exchange where it was previously listed.
* **Bankruptcy:** If a company files for bankruptcy, its stock will typically be delisted from the exchange where it was previously listed.

Delisting can have a number of negative consequences for a company, including:

* **Loss of liquidity:** Delisting makes it more difficult for investors to buy and sell the company's stock. This can lead to a decline in the stock price and make it more difficult for the company to raise capital.
* **Loss of prestige:** Delisting can damage a company's reputation and make it more difficult for it to attract and retain employees and customers.
* **Increased costs:** Delisting can increase a company's costs, as it may have to find a new way to raise capital and may be required to comply with new regulations.

In some cases, a company may be able to avoid delisting by taking steps to improve its financial condition or by merging with another company. However, if a company is delisted, it may be difficult for it to regain its listing status.

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