Delta Neutral

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Definition of 'Delta Neutral'

Delta neutral is a term used in options trading to describe a position that has no net exposure to the underlying asset's price movements. This can be achieved by either holding an equal number of long and short options, or by using a combination of options and other financial instruments to create a synthetic position that has no delta.

There are a number of reasons why traders may choose to use delta neutral strategies. One reason is to reduce risk. By eliminating the delta exposure, a trader can limit their potential losses to the amount of premium paid for the options. This can be a valuable strategy for traders who are not comfortable with taking on a lot of risk.

Another reason why traders may choose to use delta neutral strategies is to increase their potential returns. By using options, traders can often generate higher returns than they would be able to by simply buying or selling the underlying asset. However, options are also more volatile than the underlying asset, so using delta neutral strategies can help to reduce the overall risk of the trade.

Delta neutral strategies can be used in a variety of different ways. One common strategy is to use a combination of long and short options to create a synthetic position that has no delta. This can be done by buying a call option and selling a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. The delta of the call option will be positive, while the delta of the put option will be negative. The two deltas will cancel each other out, leaving the overall position delta neutral.

Another common delta neutral strategy is to use a straddle or strangle. A straddle is a position that consists of buying a call option and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. A strangle is a position that consists of buying a call option and a put option with different strike prices and the same expiration date. The delta of a straddle or strangle will be zero, making the position delta neutral.

Delta neutral strategies can be a valuable tool for traders who are looking to reduce risk or increase returns. However, it is important to understand the risks involved before using these strategies.

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